Sraith Ceardlanna i Scileanna Raidió agus Craoltóireachta/ Series of Workshops on Radio Production Skills
Sath 12 Samh
|Castlewellan Community Centre
Sraith de Ceardlanna scileanna raidió saor in aisce (lón san áireamh)/ Series of Radio Production Workshops, free event (lunch included)

Time & Location
12 Samh 2022, 10:00 – 14:00
Castlewellan Community Centre, Circular Rd, Castlewellan BT31 9ED, UK
About the event
Seo deis iontach chun scileanna radió a fhail agus do chuid Gaeilge a fhobairt ag an am céanna! Beidh tri cheardlann ar fáil saor in aisce agus lón san áireamh. Ná bíodh imní ort faoi chaighdéan de do chuid Gaeilge; beidh na ceardlanna sothuigthe fiú más foghlaimeoirí thú. Tá uasmhéid 10 ann, caithfear clárú chun d'áit a chur in áirithe.
This is a great opportunity to develop radio production skills and to improve your Irish at the same time! The programme contains three free workshops which include lunch. Don't worry about the standard of your Irish; the workshops will be accessible for learners. Places are limited to 10 max, booking is necessary to reserve a place.