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Oíche na gCroisíní

Bhí oíche ghalánta againn agus scaifte dúinn ag déanamh crosóga Bhríde ar an 31ú Eanáir. Thug foireann 'Old Toms' Fáilte Uí Cheallaigh dúinn agus bhí stiobhach Gaelach fíor-bhlasta ar fad againn a' bhuíochas le

Nana's Kitchen. Rinneadh neart crosóga de chuthanna éagsúla le linn na hoíche.

A crowd of a dozen and more had a lovely night making St Bridget's crosses on January 31st. The Old Tom's team gave us a great welcome and we enjoyed gorgeous Irish stew from Nana's Kitchen. Many varieties of St Bridget's cross were made throughout the night.


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