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Ceardlann Chócaireachta le Josephine Dunbar/Cookery Workshop le Josephine Dunbar

Aoine 17 Iúil


Clárú ldt/Pls register to participate

Beidh Josephine ár stiúradh uilig go léir chun císte sobhlasta saor ó dhéiríochta a ullmhú./Josephine will guide us through how to bake a delicious dairy-free cake.

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Ceardlann Chócaireachta le Josephine Dunbar/Cookery Workshop le Josephine Dunbar
Ceardlann Chócaireachta le Josephine Dunbar/Cookery Workshop le Josephine Dunbar

Time & Location

17 Iúil 2020, 11:00 – 12:00 ASB

Clárú ldt/Pls register to participate


About the event

In aineoinn go bhfuil Gaeilge ar a toil aici is as an Fhrainc agus an Iodáil í Josephine agus tá…

Josephine, though fluent in Irish, is of French/Italian origin and cooking is one of her key passions and she will…

Everyone will cook alongside Josephine and the instructions will all be in Irish, although it will be accessible for learners.


  • Saor is Aisce/Free Event

    Tá an t-imeacht seo saor in aisce (ach bheadh fáilte roimh tabhartais ar ndóigh!) This is a free event (though all donations are most welcome of course!)

    Sale ended



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Bí i dteagmháil linn

Glór Uachtar Tíre, Dún Éigse, Bóthar Bhaile Átha Cliath, Co. An Dúin

(0044) 43770331


Buíochas leat!

Glór Uachtar Tíre 2020 - Suíomh deartha ag Frainc Rua

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