Pop-up Gaeltacht
Sath 20 Iúil
|Fountain Bar
Scoil Samhraidh Shéamuis Uí Néill: Tá GUT ag eagrú an imeachta seo i gcomhoibriu le Soma. / Séamus Ó Néill Summer School: GUT are organising this event in cooperation with Soma.

Time & Location
20 Iúil 2024, 19:00 – 20:00
Fountain Bar, 76 Main St, Castlewellan BT31 9DL, An Ríocht Aontaithe
About the event
Tar linn chuig an Fountain Bar, Caisleán Uidhilín don chraic agus comhluadar den scoth ag an Pop-Up Gaeltacht. Beidh atmaisféar deas, neamhfhoirmeálta ann le do chuid Gaeilge a úsáid le daoine eile, is cuma cén leibhéal atá agat. Fáilte roimh gach duine!
Come along to the Fountain Bar for the best of craic and company through the medium of Irish! The Pop-Up Gaeltacht is a lovely informal way of using your Irish with others, regardless of your ability. Everyone welcome!