Tonn Tuile: Cad Chuige? / Tonn Tuile: Why?
Sath 17 Iúil
|Clárú ldt/Pls register to participate
Comhrá idir Éilís Ní Dhuibhne, Eithne O’Neill agus Caitriona O’Drudy / Conversation between Éilís Ní Duibhne, Eithne O’Neill and Caitriona O’Drudy

Time & Location
17 Iúil 2021, 16:00 – 17:00
Clárú ldt/Pls register to participate
About the event
Beidh Éilís Ní Dhuibhne, úrscéalí agus gearscéalaí a scríobhann i nGaeilge agus i mBéarla, a bhí gearrliostaithe fá choinne an Orange Prize for Fiction, agus a fuair an Irish PEN Award, ag labhairt le híníonacha Shéamuis Uí Néill, Éithne O’Neill agus Caitriona O’Drudy, san imeacht nuálach seo. Thug an Irish Times cuireadh do príomh-scríbhneoirí ó Éirinn chun ‘literary treasure that deserved to be unburied’ a aithint. Roghnaigh Éilís Tonn Tuile le Séamusi Ó Néill. Dúirt Élís gurb é ‘A little gem and my favourite novel as Gaeilge’. Is cinnte gur comhrá suimiúil a bheas ann faoi choinne duine ar bith a bhfuil suim acu i litríocht nua-aimseartha na Gaeilge. Beidh an comhrá seo trí mheán na Gaeilge, ach beidh fáilte roimh fhoghlaimeoirí
In this innovative event Eilís Ní Duibhne, the novelist and short story writer who writes both in Irish and English, who has been shortlisted for the Orange Prize for Fiction, and is a recipient of the Irish PEN Award will talk with Séamus Ó Néill’s two daughters Éithne O’Neill and Caitriona O’Drudy, In March this year The Irish Times invited leading Irish authors to identify one ‘literary treasure that deserved to be unburied’. Éilís chose Séamus Ó Néill’s Tonn Tuile. Éilís described the book as, ‘’A little gem and my favourite novel as Gaeilge’. This conversation is sure to be an interesting event for anyone interested in Modern Irish literature. This talk will be in Irish, but learners are most welcome.
Saor in Aisce/Free Event
Saor in Aisce/Free Event
£0.00Sale ended