Buíochas ollmhór so Mhíceal Maguire a bhí I mbun an triú seisiún de Spreagtha faoin Spéir ag Predator Airsoft taobh amuigh de Bhaile na hInse ar an Satharn seo chaite, agus mile buíochas chomh maith d’Áine Nic Luirg as cuidiú a thabhairt chun an imeacht a eagrú. Tá Glór Uachtar Tíre fíor-bhuíoch do na tuismitheoirí a bhí páirteach agus a thug cuidiú leis an BBQ. Thug An Ciste Spreagtha tacaíocht maoinithe don imeacht agus tá GUT fíor-bhuíoch as sin chomh maith.
Tá na seisiúin blaisín fá choinne Gaisce thart le haghaaidh na blaina seo agus anois tá leathanach cláruchain ar fail ar shuíomh gréasáin Ghlor Uachtar Tíre fá choinne Gaisce.
Is féidir le do pháiste clárú fá choinne Gaisce má tá said ag dul isteach i mbliain 11, nó i mbliain airde, ag meánscoil. Tugann míonna an tsamhraidh deis iontach chun túis a chur leis na roinn sa chlár Ghaisce, mar shampla, obair dheonach.
Má clárann do pháiste inniu thiocfadh roinn amháin den ceithar sa chlár a bheith críochnaithe ag mí Deireadh Fómhair. Ná bíodh drograll ort teagmháil a dhéanamh le Glór Uachtar Tíre, má tá ceist ar bith agat.
Seo leanas an nasc chin clárú le Gaisce: : https://www.gloruachtartire.com/event-details/gaisce-presidents-award
Sincere thanks to Míceal Maguire for hosting the 3rd Spreagtha faoin Spéir session at Predator Airsoft outside Ballynahinch on Saturday and to Áine Nic Luirg for helping to coordinate the event.
Thanks also to all you parents who came along and helped out with the BBQ. The event was generously supported by the Ciste Spreagtha fund for which GUT is most grateful.
The Gaisce taster sessions are now over for this year and GUT has a registration page on its website for the Gaisce/President's Award programme.
It's possible for your child to register if they are going into Year 11 or over at high school. The summer months provide a great opportunity for commencing the Gaisce sections such as the volunteering section.
If your child registers today, it would be possible to have one of the programme's 4 sections completed by October. Please don't hesitate to get in touch with Glór Uachtar Tíre, if you have any questions.
The following is the Gaisce registration link: https://www.gloruachtartire.com/event-details/gaisce-presidents-award
