Bígí linn an deireadh seachtaine seo don Scoil Samhraidh Shéamuis Uí Néill!
Tá roinnt mhaith imeachtaí ar siúl againn i rith na deireadh seachtaine (22ú-24ú Iúil).
Beidh gach duine ábalta an fhéile speisialta seo a cheiliúradh mar tá imeachtaí ann fa choinne gach aois ghrúpa!
Amharc ar na póstaeir seo chun imeachtaí na féile a fheiceáil.
Join us this weekend for the Séamus O’Neill Summer School!
There are lots of events being held throughout the weekend (22nd-24th July).
Everybody can celebrate this wonderful festival as there are events for every age group being held!
Have a look at these posters to see our festival events.